M.D. / Graduate Student
Expertise: Neurosurgery
Email: t.omura.yw [at] juntendo.ac.jp
Google Scholar
Researchmap English / Japanese
Selected papers:
Omura, T., et al. Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after a burr hole drainage surgery for chronic subdural hematoma. World Neurosurg (2019) LINK
Omura, T., et al. Clinical Application of Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Tests for Diffuse Gliomas. Cancers (Basel) (2022) LINK
Dr. Takaki OMURA obtained M.D. at the University of Tokyo in 2013. He started his career as a neurosurgeon. In 2019, when he was a clinical resident in National Cancer Center Hospital (Tsukiji, Tokyo), he got a neurosurgical board certification. Also this year, he entered the graduate school of medicine, University of Tokyo, and started research on brain tumor (glioblastoma). He also have strong interest in epilepsy, and his future scope is to embrace neurosurgery with neuroscience.