BIOMED SPATIALOMICS HUB is established, supported by Nakatani Foundation, total 300 million yen for 5 years at Juntendo Univ.
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Cumulative insights into Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Dr. Steven Edwards (a pos…
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野沢裕貴さん(医学部 2 年生)が第 45 回 日本分子生物学会年会で優秀発表賞を受賞しました。
Mr. Yuki Nozawa (M2 under graduate student of the faculty of medicine, Juntendo Univ.) had a poster presentation about our novel light-sheet microscopy system in MBSJ2022 and won the Science Pitch Award. Congrats!
医学部二年生の野沢裕貴さんが第 45 回 日本分子生物学会年会にてポスター発表を行い、優秀発表賞 (a.k.a. Science Pitch Award) を受賞しました。おめでとう!